Sunday, October 5, 2008

5 Natural Colon Cleansing Tips

I definitely recommend taking Bowtrol when attempting to clean out your colon safely and naturally. However, in addition to taking Bowtrol there are other steps you can take to ensure a healthy colon.

1.)Drink water like there is no tomorrow and do it every day. Most of us don't drink enough water to begin with and it really is one of the most important things for your health in general.

2.) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I myself am not really into fruits and vegetables i use to be sort of a meataterian. But i know it is not healthy and i'm trying to make a conscious effort to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.

3.)Cut out the unnecessary toxins from your life! We already get too much crap from the food we eat like growth hormone in our meat and other kinds of chemicals let's not add more fuel to the fire. Cut out coffee, alcohol, and soda and stick to drinking the water or tea.

4.) Gotta get more exercise in! It speeds up the metabolism and helps your food move through the digestive track. There is really no excuse not to, I canceled my gym membership because I'm trying to go lean on expenses but I'm going to start using the weight room at my apartment. Don't have any access to work out equipment? Go take a jog around the block a few times...anything that will get you moving will be good for your health!

5.) Not into water too much? Add some lemon in it! Not only does this make water taste better it also acts as an appetite suppressant and calms cravings which is great to help you avoid eating those doritoes and other junk food.

Want to learn more? visit my squidoo page BY CLICKING HERE

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