Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why Do You Need An At Home Colon Cleanse?

Why Do You Need An At Home Colon Cleanse?

Well let me put it this way for you, would you think twice about brushing your teeth? Of course not! You need to brush your teeth because if you don't your breath will smell and you'll get cavities and gum disease.

So why would you treat your colon any different? By doing a simple at home colon cleanse you will avoid





*Crohn's disease

* IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome )

* Chronic Diarrhea

Not to mention colon cancer, which is currently the third leading cause of death among all cancers.

Everybody has what's called a toxic threshold. Everybody's is different, and the amount of toxins each person can absorb before their body starts to break down varies. For example, maybe I can absorb 1 million toxins on a daily basis and you can absorb 2 million. Where do all these toxins come from anyway? Well we could go on all day about that, it all depends on each person's environment and what they are exposed to. Let's say i absorb 500,000 toxins a day from the food i eat, 200,000 from the air i breath, 100,000 from prescription drugs i need to take etc.

The problem is, most people are absorbing more toxins than they are getting rid of on a daily basis. And if these toxins are not naturally removed from the body they end up being stored up inside our colon, and eventually our body starts to break down because of it.

Want To Learn More? Visit At Home Colon Cleanse For More Info!

Five Colon Cleansing Tips For A Healthy Colon

In this article i am going to share with you five colon cleansing tips that you can start using today to be on your way to a healthier colon. These tips will be primarily focusing on changes in your diet and other easy steps you can take for better health. These five tips won't cost you any money, and are a great way to start. However, if your really serious about doing a colon cleanse you might want to consider a good colon cleansing product because your colon has most likely accumulated an enormous amount of toxins over the years. You will need some extra help to properly remove all the toxins.

Tip #1
Start drinking more water. Water is extremely important for properly digesting your food and flushing out toxins from the body. A couple of the ways we naturally remove toxins, is through perspiration and urination. In order for us to efficiently remove toxins this way we need to make sure we are constantly supplying the body with enough water.

Tip #2
Make sure you are eating enough fruits and vegetables everyday. Also, in the morning eat a high fiber cereal. Fiber acts like a broom, it sweeps up the toxins from the body and helps remove them through healthy bowel movements. If your not having 2-3 bowel movements each day your probably not getting enough fiber in your diet.

Tip #3
Try your best to cut out other toxins where you can. Avoid coffee,alcohol, and soda for example. These add to the thousands of toxins you are already consuming on a daily basis.

Tip #4
Try to exercise more often. 2-3 times a week or more if you can. This helps your body remove toxins from your body through perspiration.

Add lemon into your water. Lemon acts as an appetite suppressant and calms cravings so you can avoid junk food. Plus it makes water taste better!

Want To learn More? Visit Colon Cleansing Tips For More Info!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The True Benefits Of Colon Cleaning

What are the true benefits of colon cleaning? Is it really that important? Will it really make a difference in my life? Yes absolutely! A colon cleanse is so important, if you had to choose to worry about only one part of your body i would suggest that it be your colon! Why? Because the state of your colon, directly affects all the other areas of your body. If your colon is unhealthy, you will experience many health complications. On the other hand, just by doing some colon cleaning you will enjoy benefits such as:

-Increase in energy

-Improvement Of Skin Complexion

-Reduction in water retention

- Relief from bloating and gas

- Stronger immune system

These are just a few to give you an idea, i could go on and on but it would be too large a task for me to even try and list them all!

This is no exaggeration, I've really experienced all these benefits for myself. I can honestly say, that cleaning out my colon is one of the best things i ever did for myself. My acne has cleared up, my energy level is through the roof, and i just feel an overall sense of well being that comes from truly good health.

You might be wondering if there is any other significant benefits of colon cleaning that stands above the rest. Well, if there are any i would have to say it would be the fact that it can completely change your life. We are just so use to living the way we do, accumulating all these toxins on an everyday basis from things like the food we eat, the air we breath, and even the water we drink. We might not even realize what we have been putting our body through until it is too late.

Read On Benefits Of Colon Cleaning

Learn How To Clean Your Colon And Save Your Life!

Trying To Learn How To Clean Your Colon? Well that's great, because i will honestly tell you it is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself. The colon is directly linked to the rest of your body, and affects your overall health. Not too long ago, most people went to the doctor for hydrotherapy sessions to clean their colon. This typically required many sessions to be effective and was quite an expensive procedure not to mention uncomfortable for many people.

Because of this, many people have neglected to clean their colon. It was simply too much trouble and expensive, despite the numerous health benefits and it's importance to overall health in general.

This is not the case anymore, the times have changed now and there are many different colon cleanse options available that we can do ourselves. There has never been a better time to clean the colon, It has become more important than ever, the world is turning into a more polluted place everyday and we are absorbing more toxins into our bodies than we are able to get rid of. Everybody has whats called a toxic threshold, and everybody's is different. The amount of toxins a person can handle varies from person to person before their body starts breaking down.

The average person has anywhere from 5-40lbs of toxic feces inside their bodies. I guarantee that if you've never cleaned out your colon before you have at least 5 or 10lbs. Do you really want to wait and see how many pounds you can accumulate before YOUR body starts to break down?

It was not long ago, when my body was completely deteriorating. It did not happen overnight but things were becoming worse over time. Everyday was a struggle for me, i felt bloated and my bowel movements were becoming irregular. Before i knew it, I was starting to experience constipation from time to time and everything just went down hill from there. I was always tired, i couldn't sleep well and getting out of bed in the morning was always a struggle.

I'm a pretty young guy, and i could not understand why i was feeling so unhealthy. Even my skin was breaking out with rashes. To top things off, my immune system had become weak and i was frequently getting sick. I looked like a mess and i definitely felt that way.
I needed coffee in the morning and Red Bulls throughout the day for energy to make it through the work week. Laxatives had become a temporary fix for the constipation and I had to use prescription creams for the reoccurring rashes on my body.

This was how life was for me, until i decided to try a different approach and correct my health at the root of the problem which was my colon. Now i feel more alive than ever before, it is truly amazing how great i feel! Find out how i used a simple colon cleanse to restore my health and completely change my life forever.

How To Clean Your Colon

You Need A Colon Cleanse To Flush Out Toxins From Your Body!

You Need A Colon Cleanse To Flush Out Toxins From Your Body!

Every single day we are absorbing thousands of toxins into our body. The food we eat is packed with growth hormone. The air we breath is full of pollution, just imagine how many toxins we inhale while pumping gas into our cars at the gas station! Recently, they even found traces of fertilizer in our bottled water!

It almost seems like we can not escape it, most of it is out of our control. It is simply a fact that the world is not as clean as it once use to be. Unfortunately, we are paying the price for this because it is taking a significantly huge impact on our health. All these toxins that we accumulate become stored up inside our colon. Not only is this bad for our colon, but it also affects our entire body. The average person has 5-40lbs of feces accumulated inside of the body due to all this toxic build up. This is literally slowly poisoning ourselves from the inside. This toxic poison leaks out from our colon and starts spreading to the rest our body. Symptoms can include:

- Bad Breath

- Foul Body Odor

-Rashes on the skin






-Constant Fatigue

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you need to address this because it will only get worse with time. As the toxins continue to build up inside of your body, you will start to experience more symptoms. Also, the symptoms you are already experiencing could get worse. Learn More Colon Cleanse Flush

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trying To Find An Easy At Home Colon Cleanse?

Trying To Find An Easy At Home Colon Cleanse?

Well i for one don't blame you! Colon cleansing is extremely important but very few people actually take it as seriously as they should! The average person has 5lbs to 40lbs of feces inside their body and you can't just ignore that. All those toxins, that's practically poisoning the body from the inside! No wonder colon cancer is becoming an increasingly larger problem in today's society. Right now it is the third most leading cause of death among all cancers.

Would you think twice about brushing your teeth? I would hope not! People should start looking at colon cleansing the same way. It is just as important if not more important because the colon is directly linked to the overall health of your body. Some of the benefits that come with having a healthy colon include

-increase in energy

-improvement of skin's complexion

-reduction in water retention

- relieves bloating and gas

- stronger immune system

-weight loss

and much more. It would be too large a task for me to list everything but you get the point right?

So now the question is how does one go about doing a colon cleanse? Well we are very fortunate to have lots of methods available to us today that we didn't have not too long ago. At one time, a colon cleanse meant going to the doctor and having to perform hydrotherapy which can be expensive not to mention uncomfortable.

Now we can do an at home colon cleanse, it is affordable, safe, and works just as well as expensive sessions with the doctor.

Want to learn more? Visit my site How To Clean Your Colon for more information on easy at home colon cleanse options.

EverCleanse Review

EverCleanse Review

There has been a lot of talk about EverCleanse recently. If you ever listen to the radio in the car or at home you must have heard the advertisements on this hot new product. EverCleanse claims to cleanse your body of unwanted toxins and even help you lose weight in the process! I have spent much of my time doing research on the importance of colon cleansing and detoxification, so when i heard about this i had to give this product a try for myself!

I have been on Evercleanse for a little over a month now. So far, i have to say i am quite pleased with the results. It truly is a very unique product for the colon cleansing market and i have not come across anything like it whatsoever. The formula is very easy to use, i have been putting it in all my drinks and food and i hardly even notice it. This is always a good thing because when i first started, i was worried about it tasting bad but i don't have any problem with it it at all it is virtually tasteless.

The product does not take long to start kicking in. In a few days my bathroom habits started to improve and i did not experience any side effects at all. In about a week's time i noticed that i felt significantly lighter, more energetic, and fresh. It really is quite hard to explain in words what exactly it feels like but all i can say it is good!

EverCleanse has the most advanced colon cleansing system i have seen before. The system can basically be broken down and summed up in three steps.

STEP 1- The Clean Sweep The Cleansing Formula breaks down all the toxic waste that has been accumulating inside the colon. The formula is designed to gradually encourage healthy bowel function, resulting in maximized removal of waste from the body without the use of harsh laxatives.

STEP 2- Replenish The Replenishing formula provides support for normal healthy functioning of the intestinal tract. This includes healthy digestion and absorption of essential nutrients and removal of waste material. This is what i think gives the overall feeling of well being

Step 3-Colon Support & Maintenance The Colon support formula contains healthy bacteria for ongoing support, along with some other synergistic ingredients to create a powerful immune system. Resulting in healthy digestion and absorption, provides support to the immune system, stimulates the growth of "friendly bacteria" and suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

It's been over a month now since i starting on the Evercleanse system. I am happy to say i am overall quite satisfied with the product and i still continue to use it. I have noticed significant improvements to my health, my energy level has sky rocketed, and a much clearer complexion for my skin. Unfortunately i can't comment on how much the product works for weight loss because i am a relatively skinny guy but i'd imagine any weight loss would be from the amount of waste removed from the body.

If you would like to learn more about this product and other recommended products or to learn more about colon cleansing visit my site How To Clean Your Colon

Monday, October 13, 2008

I want to talk about this new great product i've found

The Master Cleanse is a great do-it-yourself method for cleaning out the colon. It is also the same method used by the rich and famous to look younger and lose weight. A few people who have used this method that you may have heard of include Beyonce Knowles and Robin Quivers.

But more importantly with the Master Cleanse you will be ridding your body of all that toxic waste in only 10 days!

Here's what you can accomplish 10 days from now:
-You'll normalize your appetite and metabolism so your body can comfortably adjust to it's ideal weight for your size naturally

- Your suppressed hormone levels will be restored so every cell in your body will be charged with youth giving and feel good hormones

-There will be a natural shift away from unhealthy habits--without will power

-You'll cleanse and detox your entire body--the pounds of waste built up over the years will be released in just 10 days

-Reduced internal inflammation, which will ease aching joints

- Your energy levels will sore

And much more!

The maker of the Master Cleanse Secrets Newsletter gives out the recipe for the Master Cleanse lemonade free on his site. However, the book is truly important and i would suggest that you don't attempt to do the diet without it.

I will say this, give the Master Cleanse a try because it will make you feel great! You have nothing to lose except pounds of toxic waste from your body.

Colon cancer is becoming such a huge problem these days it might just very well even save your life!

To learn more visit my squidoo lens on How To Clean Your Colon

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How To Find The Right Natural Colon Cleaner

So you've learned that it is extremely important to get a good colon cleanse. Now you are trying to find the right natural colon cleaner product to use. I know this can be a confusing and may have been a long process for you. There are so many products in the colon cleanse market it can become stressful trying to figure out what is the difference between them all and what they can do for you.

I have tried my best to make things simple for you with this article. Because it really is not suppose to be this complicated, the internet just tends to make things seem that way sometimes.

Online there are hundreds of different products being marketed for colon cleaning and it is important not to be fooled by flashy marketing and end up spending your money on a colon cleanser that is not made from 100% natural ingredients and won't clean your colon effectively.

To understand what to expect from a good colon cleanser, it is important to understand why we need one in the first place.

For too long, we may have been ignoring important symptoms and warnings our body has been trying to tell us. Each one of us has been guilty to some extent in taking our health and body for granted. It is a shame we could not have prevented this toxic build up inside of us earlier had we took care of our colon properly from the beginning.

What is done is done though, In the present moment now it is important not to take warning signs lightly.
If you have experienced constipation, abdominal pain, back pain, decrease in appetite, lack of energy, overall feeling of being unwell it is from too much toxic build up.

Most of us I'm sure do not want to waste money on trial and error testing a bunch of products to figure out which colon cleaner works and which one doesn't. A good rule of thumb is to only even consider a colon cleaner that is 100% natural and with no chemicals at all.

Any product containing chemicals whatsoever would be counterproductive in cleaning your colon because the goal is to remove toxins from your body. It wouldn't make sense to be putting more chemicals inside your body then right?

If you take the time to evaluate all the benefits a good colon cleanser product will bring to your health, you will find that there is no downside to making this important purchase. Do it as a favor to yourself, your body truly needs it. It is better to take preventive action now rather then end up with a serious condition down the line.

A toxic colon that is not taken care of can lead to serious medical conditions such as colon cancer, which happens to be the third leading cause of death among all cancers.

There is no reason to let this happen to you.

To learn more visit my squidoo lens on How To Clean Your Colon

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Colon Cleanse Diet

Interested in doing a colon cleanse by doing a colon cleanse diet? There are many methods to clean the colon out and a colon cleanse diet is a great natural way to do it. It definitely is not the fastest method available but it has it's own benefits. The good thing about it it will help you take a step back and evaluate your eating habits, you will start to understand the difference between what your body "needs" and what your body is just craving.

A colon cleanse diet is not something you need to stick with permanently. This is good new, considering this diet is kind of tough! Instead it lasts anywhere from 7-30 days. Obviously the longer you stay on the diet, the better results you will achieve.

To start, i will list the foods that you are NOT aloud to eat.

-pasteurized dairy

-processed meat

-processed oil


-refined sugar




-products containing flour (examples: bread, pasta etc.)

Try not to let this long list discourage you! It is absolutely necessary to avoid these foods because they will slow down the digestive system and reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Now we get to talk about what SHOULD be eating. You will mostly be living off of fruits and vegetables during this time and other high fiber foods. The fiber acts like a broom and sweeps up all the toxins from your colon and pushes them out of your body through your bowel movements.

Your daily intake of fiber should be around 35-50 grams a day.

For even better results, also eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, and yogurt.

This diet is tough i know, but don't be discouraged it is not for everyone. There are other effective methods to doing a colon cleanse, this diet is just one of many.

To learn more visit my squidoo lens on How To Clean Your Colon

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fasting Colon Cleanse

When attempting to do a fasting colon cleanse, it is important to ask your doctor first if you are in proper health for it. Doing a fasting colon cleanse may or may not be the right method for you. Only your doctor can really tell you if your health is in good enough condition for a fast.

I think when most people think of a fast they picture having to go completely without food or drink for a certain period of time. This is actually not always the case there are many different kinds of fasts. There are many fasting beverages out in the market today that you can buy. Another popular method is doing a "juice fast" where you juice raw vegetables and fruits.

An important thing to remember is typically these fasts last between 7-30 days. After your fast is over it is important to gradually reintroduce solid foods into your system. You do not want to shock your system by eating too heavily suddenly.

If you find that you don't want to fast or fasting is not right for you,
Check out my squidoo lens on other methods for colon cleansing How To Clean Your Colon



Monday, October 6, 2008

Great Prune Juice Remedy For Constipation

Hello, everyone! Constipation is a directly linked symptom of having an unhealthy colon. I thought i would make this post to share a natural remedy i found using the fiber rich benefits of prune juice and apple juice to provide some temporary relief for this problem. Hope you find this helpful!

1.) First thing you will want to do if you have not already done this is to go to the grocery store and stock up on some prune juice and apple juice.

2.) In the morning, before you eat any breakfast down 2 or 3 glasses of prune juice.

3.) Wait about a half hour and then drink 1 cup of apple juice.

4.) Be ready to start making some bowel movements! You will be surprised how powerful this natural remedy is! It will really start cleaning out your system!

If you would like to learn more about constipation and its direct links to an unhealthy colon check out my squidoo page on How To Stop Constipation

Sunday, October 5, 2008

5 Natural Colon Cleansing Tips

I definitely recommend taking Bowtrol when attempting to clean out your colon safely and naturally. However, in addition to taking Bowtrol there are other steps you can take to ensure a healthy colon.

1.)Drink water like there is no tomorrow and do it every day. Most of us don't drink enough water to begin with and it really is one of the most important things for your health in general.

2.) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I myself am not really into fruits and vegetables i use to be sort of a meataterian. But i know it is not healthy and i'm trying to make a conscious effort to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.

3.)Cut out the unnecessary toxins from your life! We already get too much crap from the food we eat like growth hormone in our meat and other kinds of chemicals let's not add more fuel to the fire. Cut out coffee, alcohol, and soda and stick to drinking the water or tea.

4.) Gotta get more exercise in! It speeds up the metabolism and helps your food move through the digestive track. There is really no excuse not to, I canceled my gym membership because I'm trying to go lean on expenses but I'm going to start using the weight room at my apartment. Don't have any access to work out equipment? Go take a jog around the block a few times...anything that will get you moving will be good for your health!

5.) Not into water too much? Add some lemon in it! Not only does this make water taste better it also acts as an appetite suppressant and calms cravings which is great to help you avoid eating those doritoes and other junk food.

Want to learn more? visit my squidoo page BY CLICKING HERE

The Countless Benefits Of Colon Cleansing

After a lot of time spent searching for the best ways to improve overall health in general i have learned that maintaining a healthy colon could very well be the most important element and surprisingly most neglected key to having a healthy body.

The truth is, most people fail to realize that our colon is directly linked to our overall health.
it affects our energy level, our skin, our immune system, and many other things that are important to us.

So i have begun researching and learning everything i can about the colon, the benefits of a colon cleanse, and the dangers of not taking care of this important part of our body.

Stay tuned i will keep you posted!

In the meantime check out my squidoo lense here's the link below

How To Clean The Colon